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My Aquarium Store

Timothy Hay Rose Treat Cake Bars (Available in ECONOMY PACKS)

Timothy Hay Rose Treat Cake Bars (Available in ECONOMY PACKS)

Regular price Rs. 315.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 315.00
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Your Pets Deserve much more than regular food to make it happy, Reward your Rabbits / Guineapigs Small Pets with Timothy Rose Treat Cake Bars when they make you happy, You Can also use these Treats to train your Rabbit / Guineapigs and other small pets. The Best part is these treats are designed in such a way it helps them with Dental health and Digestive sysytem cleansing as it is very high in Fibre and made of more 70% Natural Timothy Hay. Rabbits/Guinea Pigs/other small pets by nature have teeth that continuously grow to forage (Bite and Chew) on Hay/Grass/Natural foods in the wild, when not provided such food they tend to grow very big and cause lots of distress to the pets.

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